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Asphalt Roof Shingles Installation From Skilled Contractors

Finding the ideal roofing material for your home can be overwhelming. You need a helpful solution that is durable and budget-friendly while adding aesthetic appeal to enhance your property’s existing décor. Asphalt roof shingles are the answer! Asphalt shingles are a trendy choice across Annapolis Area, with four out of five homes opting for this reliable option due to its long-lasting protection capabilities.

Get peace of mind by discovering why so many homeowners choose asphalt shingle roofs as their go-to solution.

Asphalt Roofing Shingles in Greater Annapolis Area

What Are Asphalt Roof Shingles?

Asphalt roof shingles are a popular option for residential roofs. Crafted from a continuous fiberglass mat, these durable and tear-resistant shingles have been trusted by homeowners to guard their homes for many years. A shingle roofing system is a fantastic way to boost the allure of your home while at the same time reducing utility bills and safeguarding its structural integrity. Invest in an efficient design for optimal results.

Roof Shingle Styles & Shapes in Anne Arundel County, MD

There are so many different styles, shapes, and colors available in the market today. It can be overwhelming to try and choose the right asphalt roof shingles for your needs. Here’s an overview of all the types, styles, and shapes of asphalt shingles that our experts install:

3-Tab Asphalt Shingles

3-tab asphalt shingles have been a staple in the market since becoming popularized until architectural shingles emerged onto the scene. Rectangularly shaped and offset, they are easily recognizable as an economical option for those seeking affordability when it comes to their roofs.

Architectural Asphalt Shingles

Architectural asphalt shingles are an increasingly popular choice among homeowners due to their strength, wind resistance, and extended warranties. Their variety of style options also allows for a cost-effective solution that mimics the appearance of more traditional materials like wood shake, tile, or slate.

Designer Asphalt Shingles

With cutting-edge innovation, designer asphalt shingles are now available for homeowners to customize the look of their roofs. This premium roof shingle option allows you to create captivating visuals and evoke an old-world aesthetic resembling wood shake or slate tile—tailored specifically for your home!

50-Year Asphalt Roof Shingles

When looking for the highest quality roofing system, premium 50-year asphalt roof shingle systems are considered the "best" option. Using upgraded materials and heavier construction than standard architectural shingles, these warranties provide lasting protection when properly installed by a certified professional.

The Benefits of Asphalt Shingles in Your Anne Arundel County Home

Asphalt shingles have become a popular choice when it comes to home roofing in North America. Made with organic or fiberglass base materials, they offer great benefits for many Annapolis Area homeowners:


Asphalt roofing shingles can be designed to mimic several architectural styles.

Long Life Expectancy

Life expectancy of asphalt roof shingles ranges from 20 up to 50 years.


Asphalt shingles provide high-end style and durability at a low cost, making them the most affordable of all roofing materials.

Low Maintenance

Asphalt roofing shingles require extremely minimal maintenance due to their durability, lowering the lifetime cost and labor of owning your roof.

Highly Resistant

Asphalt roof shingles offer superior protection from wind, fire, and hail damage.

Frequently Asked Questions About Asphalt Shingles

Our expert installers answer all your questions about asphalt shingles. Check out our comprehensive FAQs and keep your roof in the best shape!

Don’t be fooled—granule loss is no small matter. The tiny, protective particles are the front line of defense against inclement weather and aging elements that can damage your roof’s functionality and aesthetics. As soon as you spot any missing granules from your shingles, it’s time to call a professional for replacement.

Even the most durable asphalt shingles can eventually succumb to damage, whether experienced gradually over time or suddenly in a storm. Temperature changes and dry air coupled with windy conditions create cracks, while poor insulation may lead to a form of damage known as “shingle blazing.”

Premium asphalt shingle roofs can provide up to 50 years of exceptional protection. Even in difficult climates, you may still be able to enjoy 15 to 30 years with architectural shingles or 10 to 20 with 3-tab asphalt shingles—but keep in mind that climate conditions, attic ventilation, and insulation play a vital role, too.

Other Roofing Services We Offer in Anne Arundel County

When the time comes to repair or replace your roof, Cunningham Contracting, Inc. has qualified professionals ready to install all types of roofing systems for your home. We offer installations for roof systems such as Cedar Shake Roofing, Flat Roofing, Metal Roofing, Rubber Roofing, Synthetic Roofing, and Slate Roofing.

At Cunningham Contracting, Inc., we believe durability and longevity should be the foundations of any roof. That’s why we pride ourselves on supplying only top-of-the-line asphalt roofing shingles that are built to last. Call us today to speak with our asphalt shingles experts in Annapolis Area.

Contact Us Today to See What We Can Do For You!