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Advancements in roofing materials have brought about impressive solutions, the latest of which is synthetic roofing. Synthetic roof shingles, also called composite shingles, are a modern innovation revolutionizing the roofing industry. Designed from recycled products like rubber and plastic, synthetic roofing offers a sustainable solution that bridges the gap between human convenience and environmental responsibility. Importantly, these synthetic roofing materials maintain the aesthetic appeal of traditional slate tiles without compromising durability and performance.

With this information in mind, let’s delve into the benefits of synthetic roofing and why you should consider this material for your next roofing project.

Synthetic Roofing in Anne Arundel County

1.    Durability

When investing in a roofing system, durability is often the first feature homeowners consider. Rest assured that synthetic roofing excels in this area. Manufactured to withstand the elements, composite shingles can last 40 to 50 years with proper installation and maintenance. This surpasses most conventional roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles, which often need replacement within 20 to 30 years. Such impressive longevity means fewer replacements, less maintenance, and significant savings over the lifespan of your roof.

2.    Wind Resistance

Composite roofing materials offer high wind resistance, a key attribute in regions with windy conditions. Many brands of composite shingles can resist winds of up to 110 miles per hour, equivalent to a category 2 hurricane, without lifting, breaking, or tearing. They achieve this through optimized flexibility, weight, and installation techniques, which combine to create an incredibly wind-resistant roofing system.

3.    Fade Resistance

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes traditional roofing to fade, discolor, and degrade over time. However, synthetic roofing materials are manufactured using a special process that allows the color to permeate the entire shingle. They also feature UV-resistant components that help maintain their color and structural integrity, even with prolonged sun exposure. These qualities ensure your roof color remains consistent, contributing to your home’s value and curb appeal.

4.    Fire Resistance

Safety is paramount in any home construction project, which extends to the roofing material you select. Synthetic roof shingles are highly fire-resistant, with many offering a Class A fire rating to reduce the risk of rooftop fires. This impressive performance is made possible by incorporating fire-resistant materials during manufacture and installing the shingles to reduce gaps where embers could lodge and ignite.

5.    Impact Resistance

The resilience of synthetic roofing materials is also seen in their impact resistance. Many composite shingles have a Class 4 impact rating, the highest available. This means they can withstand hailstones and falling debris with a small chance of sustaining significant damage, offering peace of mind during inclement weather. As such, homes in areas prone to hailstorms and falling branches can benefit from installing such impact-resistant roofing.

6.    Lightweight

Traditional slate roofing is heavy, adding significant load to a home’s structure. On the other hand, synthetic shingles are engineered to replicate the look of slate while weighing significantly less. This reduces the need for additional structural support, which can lead to cost savings. The lightweight nature of synthetic roof shingles also simplifies handling and makes them easier to install, reducing labor costs and installation time.

7.    Affordability

Natural slate roofs are among the most expensive available. That’s why you may be excited to learn that synthetic roofing costs about half as much as real slate while also being more durable. The potential savings from reduced maintenance and repair costs, along with extensive warranties, add to the long-term affordability of synthetic roofs.

8.    Excellent Warranty Coverage

Manufacturers and installers convey confidence in their synthetic roofing products by offering excellent warranty coverage. Warranties protect against manufacturing defects and installation flaws that speed up wear and tear. Comprehensive warranties with robust terms provide an additional layer of financial security for homeowners.

9.    Eco-Friendly

Synthetic shingles are often made from recycled rubber and plastic, reducing waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. Plus, these materials can be recycled at the end of their lifespan, further minimizing their environmental footprint. This circular lifecycle makes synthetic roofing a sustainable choice that reduces your home’s carbon footprint.

Install a Composite Roof in Anne Arundel County, MD

Choosing the right roofing material is a critical decision for every homeowner. Synthetic roofing is clearly worth consideration, so consult a professional contractor to determine if this is the right choice for your needs.

Cunningham Contracting, Inc. has served Anne Arundel County for over 25 years. We proudly offer affordable, customer-focused synthetic roofing installation, allowing you to enjoy a stunning new look without breaking the bank. Our commitment to quality ensures you receive the best materials and workmanship for a worry-free roof. To request a synthetic roofing installation estimate, please contact us at (410) 721-8757. Your journey toward a more durable, beautiful, and eco-friendly roof starts today!


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