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Contractors You Can Trust

When you need quality residential or commercial roofing contractor services in Annapolis, MD, our team of contractors at Cunningham Contracting Inc. has been serving customers for over 25 years. Our company is licensed and insured to provide you with peace of mind when using our comprehensive contracting services. Our years of dedication to customer satisfaction have made us the top expert contractors in Annapolis, MD. Our expert contractors are here to serve you when you require affordable, reliable, and quality services such as roofing, gutter, and window installation.

Services We Provide in Annapolis, MD

We offer comprehensive services at Cunningham Contracting Inc. Our commercial and residential roofing contractors have skills far beyond roofing, and their continuous training means you can rely on the best quality services in the Annapolis, MD, area. Our comprehensive contracting services include the following:


Our metal roofing contractors at Cunningham Contracting are experts in every type of roofing. We can provide you with the best roofing services possible by providing comprehensive roofing services. We provide installation, repair, replacement, and maintenance for asphalt shingles, slate roofing, synthetic roofing, cedar shake roofing, flat roofing, rubber roofing, and more.

Gutter and Downspout Repair and Installation

Our expert roofers also provide complete gutter downspout repair and provide you with the perfect system to get water and moisture away from your roof and foundation. A proper gutter system is essential to ensure the best condition for your home or business by protecting your roof, foundation, and siding. We provide gutter downspout repair, installation, maintenance, and replacement.

Windows and Siding

Updating the windows and siding of your home or business can be an incredible way to enhance curb appeal, boost your property value, increase your energy efficiency, and improve the aesthetics of your property. We offer comprehensive siding and window installation services. Some of the window installation options we provide include bow, picture, double-hung, bay, garden, sliding, and casement windows.

Commercial Roofing Contractors in Annapolis, MD

The Cunningham Contracting Difference

Knowing who to trust with your commercial or residential contracting needs can be hard. When looking for a contractor, you need an experienced, licensed, certified, and trustworthy team. When you choose our team at Cunningham Contracting Inc, you get all of these benefits and more, including:

  • We are locally owned and operated.
  • The warranties that we offer are the best in the industry.
  • We are a member of the Crofton Chamber of Commerce.
  • Factory-trained technicians get your product installed exactly right every time.

Choosing an Annapolis, MD Roofing Company

When choosing a local roofing company in Annapolis, MD, you can rely on knowledgeable and experienced contractors. In addition to the best quality services, you get the best products. Please view our gallery of past projects and work to see what Cunningham Contracting Inc can do for you. Our expert contractors are prepared to help you complete any project you require, whether on a residential or commercial property.

Contact Cunningham Contracting for Your Roofing Needs

Cunningham Contracting, Inc. is prepared to provide you with a comprehensive range of services. We are fully insured, licensed, and bonded in Maryland. You will receive the best and most professional services when you choose our team for your contractor needs. No matter what your project is or how difficult it may be, our team can handle it. Receive a free estimate by contacting us today.

Contact Us Today to See What We Can Do For You!